After School Learning and Support Classes

This project aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. Enhancing children’s self-awareness: The project seeks to promote self-awareness among children, helping them develop a better understanding of themselves and their abilities.

2. Improving learning outcomes for underprivileged school-age children: The project focuses on improving the academic performance of underprivileged children who are attending school. It aims to provide them with the necessary support and resources to enhance their learning achievements.

3. Developing decision-making and problem-solving skills: The project aims to empower children by enhancing their decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Through various activities and interventions, children will be encouraged to think critically and make informed decisions.

4. Integrating out-of-school children into formal education: The project aims to address the issue of out-of-school children by facilitating their integration into formal education systems. It seeks to remove barriers to education and provide opportunities for these children to access quality schooling.

5. Providing meals to enhance concentration: To improve cognitive skills and concentration, the project includes providing nutritious meals to children before the start of classes. This initiative ensures that children have the necessary energy and focus to actively engage in their learning activities.

6. Offering tuition-free remedial classes: The project aims to provide tuition-free remedial classes to support children who require additional assistance in their studies. These classes will help bridge learning gaps and improve the overall educational outcomes of the children involved.

Our approach to this project includes the following key elements:

1). Tutoring and Homework Support

1. Tutoring and Homework Support: We aim to enhance the learning achievements of underprivileged and at-risk schooled children and young people by providing them with tutoring and homework support. This involves creating conducive learning spaces, offering tuition-free remedial classes, and providing quality learning materials such as textbooks. Qualified tutors and mentors will be available to help children better understand their school lessons.

Our classes are held in small groups, 3 times a week. The centre is open 6 days a week, and students who need help doing their homework have access to quality learning materials and computers with an internet connection for free of charge.

2). Integration into Formal School

2. Integration into Formal School: Our program focuses on unschooled children, including street and working children. To facilitate their integration into formal education, we provide meals to these children before each class, ensuring they have the necessary nourishment to concentrate on their cognitive skills. For those who regain interest in education through our learning center, we offer support to mainstream them into formal schools or guide them towards suitable vocational studies.

3). Technical Skills

3. Technical Skills Development: We seek to increase the self-awareness, decision-making, and problem-solving skills of both schooled and unschooled children. One way we accomplish this is by teaching them technical skills such as computer coding. By equipping children and young people with these skills, they can effectively communicate across borders, cultures, and become innovative problem solvers in our society.

Through these approaches, we aim to empower children and young people, improve their educational outcomes, and provide them with the necessary skills to succeed in their academic and future endeavors.

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$ 0 K+
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