Get Involved
To volunteer with us please contact us today
Phone: +220-377-0458 | Email:
We offer volunteer placements to people of all ages and backgrounds, regardless of nationality or qualifications.
The services of volunteers enhance our work and help promote an atmosphere of appreciation for the individuals and communities we work with. The unique thing is that, we allow volunteers to involve in all the tasks being offered and certainly, they gain an amazing life experience from their participation in our volunteer program.
Membership is free and open to all individuals who subscribe to the mission of UF.
Once you have subscribed to the Mission of UF you will be able to register your details on this website, and will receive news about opportunities to join in the activities of the Organization, invitations to events arranged by the Organization, and news about other activities within the arena of both humanitarian and community services, capacity building, leadership, and community development.
You may cancel your subscription at any time by contacting the office. Unsubscribing will ensure that your membership is cancelled and no future information sent to you.
If you are interested in becoming a member please click Membership Application Form